Debug 未來

I believe in open source, decentralized technologies and organizations, trying to build some.

It's our mission to make Technologies and Education empowering individuals so the world stays free, open, permissive, innovative and equal.

Worked in bank/startups, I'm getting more and more inspired by Self Sovereignty,The Graph, Indie Hacker, Company of One & Companies being more transparent, business models powered by fair games.

Web3 is about ownership. DAO is about collaboration. Blockchain is not only about currency, but the biggest innovation that shapes our society works, I want to commit myself contributing better coordination & governance tools as in Network State pioneered by Balaji, Vitalik . I got lost during my journey in web2 and come late, but now I see it.

It's promised AI will give us more leisure and unleash our creativity. What if we're able to spend more time learning, creating and caring, when it also fulfills our necessities — probably a more sustainable Earth and civilization. For that I am Learning 3d printing, hydroponics and looking forward to more projects like FarmBot. I wish people can start their company taking a fair share. Future will be shaped by innovations in public goods and re-fi, with projects like Gitcoin and Hypercerts

Fan of OSS, Self-hosted, decentralizing the cloud with Compute Over Data & FinOps in industry.

Mottos, iterating: